Est. 1918

​Rooted in our town for 105 years

Public Events 2025

Plant Sale

May 25       11 a.m.  - 1 p.m.                        

at Home Hardware Parking Lot on Wellington St.

Please note that sales are CASH ONLY


Gardens of Distinction
​​​​June and July

One of Garden Aurora's new initiatives, Gardens of Distinction, was developed to recognize gardeners in town who have established an attractive, creative, and inspiring front garden, making Aurora a more beautiful place in which to live, work and play.

Volunteers from Garden Aurora seek out eye-catching front gardens which have added enormous value not just to a specific house, but to the neighbourhood as a whole.

The following are some of the features especially noted by our teams:
- use of native plants, for birds and pollinators
- minimal lawn, and use of alternate ground covers
- tidy and well maintained
- rocks, statuary, sculptures, art, etc.
- water features
- planted boulevard
- good use of colours and textures
- creativity in general

Overall, we are looking for gardens that are pleasing to the eye, and that make you stop and think “wow”!  Gardens chosen will be given a lawn sign to display, as well as a letter of recognition and winners certificate.

We have received many positive comments from delighted recipients in previous years, who were very pleased to be recognized for their contribution to our beautiful town. After all, for people walking or driving, the front garden is the one that is the most visible!

Aurora Canada Day Parade 2024

In the fall of 2022 a staff member from the Alzheimer Society of York Region reached out to Garden Aurora for gardening assistance. Office staff were finding it difficult to maintain the property.
The location offers a large patio, a central pergola and lots of seating for clients.
The full sun garden has mature trees, shrubs and perennials. Purchased annuals add color at both ground level and in hanging baskets. A raised stone planter holds tomatoes and herbs.
Our members offer regular care and maintenance from May to October.
The garden is enjoyed by clients and staff.

Community Partnerships:

A partnership in gardening is blooming spectacularly at a therapeutic garden for seniors in Aurora. CHATS (Community & Home Assistance to Seniors) is a not-for-profit charitable organization, enhancing the independence of seniors living at home.  For their adult day program, the gardens and patios provide space to meet, smell various herbs and flowers, and relax in nature.

Members of Garden Aurora have been instrumental in providing perennial plants and tools, and maintaining the gardens since 2015.
The garden continues to be enjoyed by CHATS clients and staff and has become a bit of a showpiece thanks in part to the great support from Garden Aurora.