Calling All Gardeners

We are pleased you found your way to our website and would be happy to welcome you in person! 

Be our guest and come join our monthly meetings, location details "How to Join" tab

We feature a speaker every meeting, Flower Competitions and an annual Photo competition.

To read more about our activities see our recent publications:

Garden Tour (Aurora Today June 2024):

Garden Tour (The Auroran June 2024):

Gardens of Distinction (Aurora Today June 2024):

Spring club activities: Plant sale, Margaret Howard Gunn Award, and Membership (The Auroran May 2024)

To read more details about speaker and topic please see out "Speaker program tab"

October Meeting
Wed Oct 23rd doors open 7pm

​at the Royal Canadian Legion,
105 Industrial Pkwy North
​Flower Show and Speaker: 

Julia Dimakos
Gardening for Beginners

Sept Meeting 

Wed Sept 25 doors open 7pm

​at the Royal Canadian Legion, 
105 Industrial Pkwy North
​Flower Show and Speaker: 

Keneth Brown
Topic:Garden to bed


Member of OHA

Aurora Garden & Horticultural Society is included in OHA District 5

Est. 1918

​Rooted in our town for 105 years

Aurora Garden & Horticultural Society is an affiliate member of the Ontario Horticultural Association (GardenOnario)

 July Meeting

Wed July 24th doors open 7pm

​at the Royal Canadian Legion,
105 Industrial Pkwy North

Flower Show and Speaker: 

Pat de Valence

Topic: Invasive Plants: Stop the Spread